Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Speaking the Unspeakable in Forbidden Places

Speaking the unspeakable in forbidden places
In this article the teacher is trying to be creative about how to get into talking to her class about the topic of LGBTQ by switching up the Disney princess movie Cinderella and instead calling it The Paper Bag Princess. A story about a prince who wants to find love he has to meet with all of the princesses but doesn't want to. I feel like this story is a great way to get kids talking about the very sensitive topic of sexuality. Its a great way of introducing LGBTQ to kids in a way which they will understand. And would probably feel comfortable speaking about.

        I just recently had situation with my nephew. I was watching Snooki and JWOWW show and in the episode i was watching both girls were at a wedding dress store trying on dresses, moments after came in there two gay friend and they started to try on dresses as well. My nephew walked in the room exactly when this was happening and looked at my very confused. He asked me “why do they had girl dresses on?” I almost didn't know how to respond because he is so young and i don't think he would quite understand, so I answered “ They are two guys who want to be girls.” I immediately thought about our class discussion and just have been hoping that I told him the correct way. He is only five years old. This situation that happened to me mad me realize that it is good to be open to children maybe we shouldn't have conversations about LGBTQ when they don't know about it but if they ask I believe they should be told the truth or else would just lead to confusion.  


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