Monday, December 22, 2014

Citizenship in School

Citizenship in School
“I started to notice that I didn’t like the classes I was taking called special education. I had to go through special ed. almost all my life. I wanted to take other classes that interested me. I had never felt so mad, I wanted to cry.” (Peterson, 1994, p.6)

It must be really frustrating to not be able to have classes without having a label. When I was in elementary and middle school I remember how the students in the “regular” classrooms would make fun of the students in special ed. to me that just means adding extra problems into the students. Embarrassment, feeling like they are less and more. It would be a lot better if schools did not have labels on students and just had then all inclusion classes.

"In establishing a representation of citizenship for all, Shayne recognizes the transnational relationship of human reciprocity:community acceptance requires opportunity for individual participation in the group, but opportunity can not exist outside community acceptance."

Similar to the previous quote. Acceptance is important, and in order for everyone to be accepted they need to be treated equally.

“What is hidden under the cloak of competence is the individuality and personality of the human being”

Just because you look a certain way that doesn’t mean that you should be judged for who you are or what you are capable of doing.

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