Empowering Education By: Ira Shor
Quotes :
“About the role of education in socializing students, Bettelheim said near the end of his life, If I were a primary-grade teacher, I would devote my time to problems of socialization. The most important thing children learn is not the three R's, It's socialization" (quoted in Meier 1990,6)
This is something that I also have to argue with Meier when he speaks about teaching students in grade school about socialization. It helps them become less judgmental and if this happened I believe that schools and students would act so much different.
“The teacher plays a key role in the critical classroom. Student participation
and positive emotion are influenced by the teacher's commitment to both.”
I believe that this is 100% true for example the way that Dr. Stevos helped us become comfortable with each other in her classroom and help us not be afraid of talking even if its something no one agrees with.
“By situating critical study in student experience and language, problem-posing is also multicultural, the fifth value in the agenda offered in the first chapter. Student speech, community life, and perceptions are foundations of the curriculum. Empowering pedagogy develops classroom discourse for the students diversity.”
This is an kind of like an example of what high school and middle school are like they offer classes for example in middle school I took performance arts. But they also have languages, music, and sometimes cooking. Which is a good thing because its become like a break for students instead of having all day English, math, science, and history.