Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Empowering education

Empowering Education By: Ira Shor
Quotes :

“About the role of education in socializing students, Bettelheim said near the end of his life, If I were a primary-grade teacher, I would devote my time to problems of socialization. The most important thing children learn is not the three R's, It's socialization" (quoted in Meier 1990,6)

This is something that I also have to argue with Meier when he speaks about teaching students in grade school about socialization. It helps them become less judgmental and if this happened I believe that schools and students would act so much different.

“The teacher plays a key role in the critical classroom. Student participation
and positive emotion are influenced by the teacher's commitment to both.”

I believe that this is 100% true for example the way that Dr. Stevos helped us become comfortable with each other in her classroom and help us not be afraid of talking even if its something no one agrees with.

“By situating critical study in student experience and language, problem-posing is also multicultural, the fifth value in the agenda offered in the first chapter. Student speech, community life, and perceptions are foundations of the curriculum. Empowering pedagogy develops classroom discourse for the students diversity.”

This is an kind of like an example of what high school and middle school are like they offer classes for example in middle school I took performance arts. But they also have languages, music, and sometimes cooking. Which is a good thing because its become like a break for students instead of having all day English, math, science, and history.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Citizenship in School

Citizenship in School
“I started to notice that I didn’t like the classes I was taking called special education. I had to go through special ed. almost all my life. I wanted to take other classes that interested me. I had never felt so mad, I wanted to cry.” (Peterson, 1994, p.6)

It must be really frustrating to not be able to have classes without having a label. When I was in elementary and middle school I remember how the students in the “regular” classrooms would make fun of the students in special ed. to me that just means adding extra problems into the students. Embarrassment, feeling like they are less and more. It would be a lot better if schools did not have labels on students and just had then all inclusion classes.

"In establishing a representation of citizenship for all, Shayne recognizes the transnational relationship of human reciprocity:community acceptance requires opportunity for individual participation in the group, but opportunity can not exist outside community acceptance."

Similar to the previous quote. Acceptance is important, and in order for everyone to be accepted they need to be treated equally.

“What is hidden under the cloak of competence is the individuality and personality of the human being”

Just because you look a certain way that doesn’t mean that you should be judged for who you are or what you are capable of doing.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Literacy With An attitude

Literacy With An Attitude

In the article Patrick Finn speaks about the different school systems going by class. The differences between Working class school, middle class school, affluent professional school, and executive elite schools. Speaking about the difference between all the classes and the working class school are the school which have the teachers who care less about giving the students the proper education.

While reading this article I was actually getting a little upset about how different each class is. Its just crazy to know that money even runs how you are being taught. Its kind of disgusting to me. Very frustrating to read the difference between the executive elite school and the working class school.
In the executive elite school the students are taught to work more independently and students had to teach each other lessons. They had more complex, sophisticated, and analytical type of work. Versus the working class who hardly have enough books to give to each student. The difference in the teachers is crazy also. How does where you live and come from and how much money you have, have anything to do with how you should and could learn. Yes the students in working class probably don't have enough time to work at home then the kids in the elite schools, but why should that affect how they are being taught.

It is very frustrating just to think that this really does happen in this world. Its like only giving a chance for success to the people with money because once again the people in the working class need to work even harder to have a little success.

 equal school opportunity

Becoming Something Different


Becoming Something Different by: Colleen Fairbanks and Penny Mason Crooks

While reading the article Becoming Something Different I was reminded of my own experience growing up. My parents are the first of my family to come over to the United States from Dominican Republic, and so I am a first generation Dominican-American. I am the youngest of my family and the first to attend college. Every since I was young my dad had always talked to me about his dreams of my success because of the opportunities he knows I would have because I was born in this country. Since both my parents came from a Spanish speaking country English was extremely hard for them to learn. And so homework was something that at first I would have to do alone or with my siblings. My parents really couldn't help. But they always made sure they had a good relationship with my teachers and they would ask the teacher my progress in school and always ask how my homework was. They always gave me examples of other people success living in this country, to show and motivate me to always do my best as this country to the was one of the best countries which brought many people success.

Reading About Esme made me think of all the trouble my parents went through to get me motivated in everything I did. Also seeing my parents try their best in school himself helped and motivated me. Seeing their desire of me extending my education is great coming from where they came from with very little resources helps a lot.
This reading reminded me of Aria by Richard Rodriguez which was also my a first generation Mexican family and how they went about trying to help their child with their education and things they did to help them learn which had a bad effect on them culture wise.

This article Becoming Something Different was a great read.

Surround Yourself